воскресенье, 13 марта 2011 г.

International Summer Week 2011 (3-9.08), Italy

Sardinia, Italy 3nd - 10th August 2011

Would you like to experience the unique Mediterranean summer? 
Do you want to visit an ancient land where, close to some of the most beautiful white beaches you can also find historic monuments? 
Would you like to attend an international camp along with 150 other youngsters like you, from dozens of countries around the world, who are up for having a great time on the beach by day and at the club at night? 

If your answer to all of the above is YES then join us for "International Summer Week 2010"!!!

International Summer Week is an international meeting that has taken place every August since 1998 in Sardinia, the pearl of the Mediterranean sea. Through the years we have had more than 2,000 young people from all over the world!!
Fun, sea, nature and culture are the elements that make International Summer Week an incredible unforgettable experience. Our repeat guests every year are proof of this!

So what are you waiting for? Click on the link here under and apply to take part in the next edition of International Summer Week!

See you in Sardinia! :-) 
Fill in the application form right away in order to register for International Summer Week 2010, Sardinia, Italy 2nd - 9th August  2010

понедельник, 7 марта 2011 г.

Social Inclusion of Young People Through Volunteering, (10-17.04.2011) Macedonia

Deadline: 10 March 2011
Open to: coordinators, leaders, managers, volunteers or active members of civil society organizations from all Council of Europe
Fee/Costs: no participation fee (70% of the travel costs will be covered)
Venue: 10 April -17 April 2011, Bitola, Macedonia
Youth Cultural Center- Bitola (YCC- Bitola) and partner organizations (SEEYN, ADP Zid and Vojvodina Environmental Movement) take this opportunity to invite you to take part in Training course for youth workers “Social inclusion of young people through volunteering in the local communities” taking place from 10-17th of April 2011 in Bitola, Macedonia. This training will be delivered by experienced trainers from SEEYN training centre and partner organizations.

About YCC

Youth Cultural Center- Bitola (YCC- Bitola) is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit youth organization officially registered in 1999. The vision of YCC- Bitola is developed democratic society where young people are leaders of the progress. YCC- Bitola aims to unite and develop the creative potentials of young people in the region of South Eastern Europe and to encourage civic activism.

About Project

Project Summary
The main aim of the training course is to improve participatory methods of young peoples involvement in community development through voluntarism. The training will gather participants from youth organizations and volunteer centers that work with volunteers on local, national and/or European and international level.
Project Objectives
•To achieve common understanding about factors of social exclusion of young people.
•To introduce volunteering in local communities as a tool for social inclusion of marginalized youth.
•To discuss positive impact that volunteering has on individuals, groups and societies.
•To exchange experiences, approaches, practices and tools in organization of volunteering activities that lead towards young people social inclusion.
•To analyze different measures for recognition of volunteering in different European countries, various approaches in legislation and common European strategies and policies.
•To empower participants to multiply effects of this training course in their organizations and raise their competences to organize and implement volunteering activities.
•To encourage future cooperation between participants and their organizations.


Civil society organizations from all Council of Europe member states are eligible to apply. Candidates will have to be coordinators, leaders, managers, volunteers or active members in their organizations with certain knowledge or experience with topic of the training course. One organization can nominate only one candidate. Participants have to be 18 – 30 years old. Total of 25 participants will attend the training.


Youth Cultural Center- Bitola will cover 70% of the travel costs for participants (using cheapest way of transport bus, train, low cost airfare/ economy class). There is no participation fee.

How to Apply

Fill in the application form and together with Letter of recommendation by your organization (scanned copy – signed and stamped) return it to mkcbt@t-home.mk by Thursday 10th March 2011.
Selected participants will be notified not later than Friday 18th March 2011. Detailed info sheet with all necessary information will be sent at a later stage to all selected participants.
In case of any questions please contact us at mkcbt@t-home.mk

More information: UNISTUDY

вторник, 1 марта 2011 г.

Конкурс на участь у фестивалі відео-арту в Афінах (до 10.03.2011)

Тим, хто захоплюється мистецтвом і бажає взяти участь у міжнародному фестивалі відео-арту варто поспішати.

 Афінський відео-арт фестиваль приймає на розгляд роботи до 10 березня 2011 року.

Творчі доробки можуть бути на будь-яку тематику у наступних категоріях: відео-арт, відео-інсталяції, інсталяції, цифрова анімація, перформенс, веб-арт.
Окрім того, молоді музиканти  й гурти можуть запропонувати  свої записи для фестивальних концертів.
Відео-арт – однин з улюблених видів культурної діяльності в сучасній Греції. Це підтверджує зростання інтересу громадськості та митців, які підтримують фестиваль. Щороку його відвідує 75000 глядачів. На сьогодні фестиваль співпрацює з понад 7200 митців з 58 країн, що перетворює його на платформу для відкритого міжнародного діалогу та культурного молодіжного обміну.
Фестиваль присвячений  відео-арту, але не обмежується ним. Програма включає всі види мистецтва, що використовують цифрові медіа (анімацію, цифрові зображення, веб-арт, перформенс, інсталяцію).
Детальніша  інформація на офіційному сайті - http://www.athensvideoartfestival.gr/
З питаннями звертатися на: info@athensvideoartfestival.gr